This is my curated list of resources. The manuals, books, videos, and sites referenced below are ones that I found useful and interesting, and occasionally enlightening. This is not an exhaustive list.


Kit and Accessories



My favorite book set is Don Lancaster’s Micro Cookbook in 2 volumes. The first orients the reader to the then nascent world of micros and the second covers programming. The micro described is a Myth-1, but really, it’s a KIM-1 with a little obfuscation thrown in (different actual ROM locations). If you can find the actual texts, they are great. If not, the 2nd volume (the most important of the two for PAL-1 enthusiasts) is available online in two parts:

Don Lancaster’s Micro Cookbook Volume II Part 2 -

  • Next up is Lance A. Leventhal’s Microcomputer Experimentation with the MOS Technology KIM-1. This is a comprehensive set of lab experiments for working with a KIM-1 and if you have the 2nd RIOT expansion (and the Cassette extension), you will be able to do the labs.

Microcomputer Experimentation with the MOS Technology KIM-1

  • Other books are recommended by others including works by:
  • Jim Butterfield
  • Joseph Carr
  • Randy Hyde
  • Lance A. Leventhal
  • Rodnay Zaks



post added 2022-12-02 17:53:00 -0600