A post about my very own working PAL-1. It’s definitely up and running.


I recently obtained my very own PAL-1, a KIM-1 Replica Kit (found at https://www.tindie.com/products/tkoak/pal-1-a-mos-6502-powered-computer-kit)

The kit is amazing. After hours of soldering fun (pronounce the el as the British do for even more fun), and not a couple of questions on the google group (https://groups.google.com/g/pal6502), I got it working.

I plan to post my notes online as it’s a pretty niche kit and there isn’t a huge amount of info online. As I organize the resources, I will post them on the blog, as well.

Here’s what it looks like, put together, all soldered up nice and neat:



after reinserting the 6502 and 6532’s in the right direction, it worked beautifully:


Here are hires versions of the pics:

post added 2022-12-02 10:54:00 -0600